Bioger, Biologic Biobank

    About us

    BioGer is the IRCCS INRCA Institutional biobank for research on ageing and age-related diseases. It  is the ONLY biobank focused on AGEING in Italy.
    A biobank is a collection of biological samples and health information and it serves as a library for researchers. Samples donated by a person, such as small amounts of their blood, urine, or tissues, are stored to be later used for biomedical research. Often, samples are matched with other information, such as sex, age and clinical information, to make it more useful in research.

    The BioGer Biobank is designed to help researchers understand ageing mechanisms and implications about how older people’s health is affected by their genes, lifestyle, and environment. By collecting samples and information, better studies can be performed in a more timely fashion.

  • The collections conserved in BioGer consist of of blood, serum, plasma, buffy coat and urine samples collected from 65+ donors. Data accessible in BioGer databases are biological, clinical anonymized data related to the samples and aggregated demographic data.

    Whether you are a researcher or a donor, by participating in the BioGer Biobank, you can help us better understand, treat, and even prevent the diseases that affect the health of older people and the health of future generations, including your own.

  • Many types of research on aging can be done thanks to your samples. Some studies may do genetic research, look at proteins and other human materials. Some studies may only be interested in your lifestyle habits, medical history, or environmental exposures

    In order to allow researchers to share research results, IRCCS INRCA has developed secure information and specimen bank that collects and stores data and samples from research studies.  BioGer may share this information with approved researchers to do additional studies.  Biological samples and results given BioGer will not contain your name or other personal information that directly identifies you. There are many safeguards in place to protect your privacy

  • Understanding a patient’s ageing mechanisms can provide information to identify an early warning of age-related disease for doctors

    Our genes, our individual lifestyles (such as how much we exercise and whether or not we smoke cigarettes), and the things we are exposed to in the areas that we live or work (air pollution, sun exposure etc.) can affect our aging process and future health, by increasing or diminishing our chances of age-related diseases

    A complete understanding of those risk factors can give doctors and patients the knowledge and power to make changes that are necessary to lead healthier, longer lives. This is powerful, innovative information that can transform the way people see and manage their own health in the future. Physicians can screen more thoroughly for age-related pathologies that their patients are predisposed to, and even develop plans to reduce the chances of developing specific diseases. It will also help in choosing the best medications for individual patients. This is known as personalized medicine

    When physicians can understand the different kinds of risks present in their individual patients, our healthcare systems will be able to focus more on prevention as well as treatment. Contributing to improving this combination of prevention and personalized medicine is the ultimate goal of the BioGer Biobank

  • Fabrizia Lattanzio BioGer Scientific Director
    Giuseppina Di Stefano BioGer Manager
    Mauro Provinciali BioGer Safety and Security Manager



    Research Initiatives

    BioGer bio-samples are a very useful resource for many types of research activities on aging and age-related pathologies.

    Biosamples stored in BioGer can be related to research projects carried out by IRCCS INRCA alone or to national and international research projects carried out by several research institutes together with IRCCS INRCA. Each research project undertakes Ethical Committee’s evaluation in order to fulfill scientific and ethical criteria.

    To date, the BioGer Biobank has collected samples and/or data from almost 6000 older people. Our main studies are described below. Please click on each study to read more.



    For Researchers

    The BioGer Biobank aims to foster collaborations among investigators, physicians and patients seen at IRCCS INRCA hospitals and other partners. This wide project is at the forefront of developing the tools needed to expedite research and the translation of discoveries into clinical care.

    Samples are maintained in an institution-wide repository, which is a growing resource available to IRCCS INRCA investigators and international research groups keen on studying ageing. To access BioGer biobank, the biological material needs to be compliant with qualitative, legal and ethical regulations. The biosamples are linked to clinical data stored, some additional health information and survey data and aggregated demographic data.

    To date, more than 6000 patients have contributed to BioGer.

               Refrigerator     Request Samples


    National and European 65+ Population based cohort studies
    Disease specific population
    ISO 9001:2015 certification on quality management system
    Standardized Operative Procedures
    Pseudo anonymized biosamples
    Long-term experience in translational research


    Please visit IRCCS INRCA Research Initiatives (link alla pagina in menu) to learn more about how the BioGer Biobank can help you with your research.

  • The BioGer Biobank is part of the BBMRI-ERIC European Network, one of the largest research infrastructures for biobanking in Europe. BioGer actively contributes to both the Italian node of BBMRI and to the pan-European research infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC.
    The BioGer Biobank has also registered a COVID-19 collection in the BBMRI Directory COVID-19.
    Request samples
    To request BioGer biosamples, or data, research groups need to present their research project. All requests must be approved by BioGer Scientific Director, supported by Advisory Board members and BioGer manager.
    Share/Store samples
    If you want to share/store your samples in BioGer please    



    Get Involved

    The purpose of the BioGer Biobank is to accelerate the pace of medical discovery. In order to be successful, we need thousands of older participants from all backgrounds. With more participants like you, researchers can study the unique contributions of our genes, lifestyle and family history to human disease.

    By supporting the BioGer Biobank, you can help us better understand, treat, and even prevent age-related diseases that might affect your health and the health of future generations.

    There are three actions you can do to support the BioGer Biobank;

    • Complete the Health Information Survey
    • Join one of our ongoing research studies and donate your bio-samples
    • Make a financial contribution

    The following research studies  are currently ongoing. If you feel you can contribute, please joint our study and allow us to collect a bio-sample from you:

    ReportAge ReportAge Covid-19 BioGer Parkinson


    Please keep in mind that taking part in any research study is completely your choice.  Your decision to join a study will not affect your clinical care in any way. By joining, you can help us better understand aging processes and age-related diseases that affect or may affect you, as well as future generations.


  • The following research studies are currently ongoing. If you feel you can contribute, please joint our study and allow us to collect a bio-sample from you:
    -    REPORTAGE
    -    BioGen Parkinson

    Please keep in mind that taking part in any research study is completely your choice.  Your decision to join a study will not affect your clinical care in any way. By joining, you can help us better understand aging processes and age-related diseases that affect or may affect you, as well as future generations.

  • In order to donate your bio-sample (e.g. blood) to the BioGer Biobank, please click the button below to read our consent form and linked information and contact us.

    When you provide your consent to BioGer, you agree to provide a bio-sample linked with your electronic record. You also agree to be re-contacted by BioGer’s staff in the future.

    Read the CONSENT FORM

  • The purpose of the BioGer Biobank is to accelerate the pace of medical discovery. By donating your bio-sample to the BioGer Biobank, you can help us better understand, treat, and even prevent age-related diseases that might affect your health and the health of future generations.

    Once you have provided your consent, we can collect your bio-samples (e.g. blood). Usually, we will collect your bio-samples during your clinical care at the IRCCS INRCA sites. We will use the leftover from your clinical blood draw. We may collect a bio-sample in all IRCCS INRCA centres or in partner centres involved in specific research projects together with IRCCS INRCA.

    BioGer is a long-term project, and your bio-samples will be kept and may be studied in the future to help researchers.

    If you cannot donate your bio-sample, you can contribute by completing the Health Information Survey.


  • Your privacy is very important. The BioGer Biobank has implemented many safeguards to protect your privacy.

    The BioGer Biobank is a research repository that stores samples and data that are linked to each person’s medical information. The goal of the BioGer Biobank is to make these samples and data available to researchers to study how genes, lifestyle and other factors affect people’s health, aging mechanisms and contribute to age-related diseases. Samples may be used for different types of research on aging closely linked to IRCCS INRCA healthcare and research areas.

    Participation in the BioGer Biobank is voluntary. We ask that you read the Informed Consent Form that provides details on the purpose of the study, how your samples and information may be used, and the risks and benefits of joining this study.

    When you provide consent, you allow collection and storage of aliquots of blood and derivatives, linkage of the blood sample with your BioGer electronic record, and storage of a health information questionnaire that collects additional information about health behaviours, lifestyle, and family history. When you provide consent, you also agree to be re-contacted by the BioGer Biobank in the future for additional information or samples. Remember that your consent can be revoked partially or completely at any time.
    When a researcher wants to analyse your samples, they must first submit a request, including a description of the research project, a list of the researchers involved, and what type of samples will be needed.

    The Scientific Director, along with the Advisory Board and BioGer Manager, evaluates these requests carefully before approving them to help ensure that your privacy is protected and that the research request is sound.

    Once approved the BioGer Biobank will provide a de-identified sample – in such cases, the sample is assigned a code and the researcher does not receive any information that could be used to identify you. The key to the code is stored in a secure file that is kept separate from your blood sample and health information. The only people who can see your identifiable information, such as your name, medical record number, and dates, are trained staff from the BioGer Biobank.

    The BioGer Biobank privacy safeguards are based on national and European laws and regulations for patients’ data treatment and security.  One key law is the European Regulation on General Data Protection (GDPR) 2016/679 and the Italian Decree 2018/101, implementing this Regulation.

    We hope that this information helps you to understand the important information provided in the Informed Consent Form.  After you have read the Informed Consent Form, if you have any additional questions, please contact us.

  • Building up a research resource such as the BioGer Biobank is a considerable undertaking. Our objective is to become a leading infrastructure for Research on Ageing at European level.

    If you would like to contribute to this effort, please contact us at


    Contact us

    If you have any questions, you can contact BioGer Biobank at:
    Phone: +39 071 8004630
    BioGer Biobank
    Località Castelferretti, Via Fossatello 2
    60015 Comune di Falconara Marittima (Ancona)
    Via Santa Margherita, 5
    60124 Ancona


  • Fabrizia Lattanzio  – BioGer Scientific Director
    Giuseppina di Stefano  – BioGer Manager