LibraryBiostatistic & Data ManagementTTOGrant OfficeClinical Trial Office


    The IRCCS-INRCA Library is a key strategy resource for the enhancement of research. lt includes 435 journals and over 5000 volumes specialised in the field of ageing, biomedical sciences, socio-economics and statistics. The Library consists of paper and online resources for the management and dissemination of scientific documentation.
    The lnstitute's Library is part of the BIBLIOSAN system which provides access to a large online library holdings (over 6000 journals) and scientific and biomedical databases. The available resources of the BIBLIOSAN system are regularly supplemented by journals and volumes, with a special focus on geriatric and gerontological issues.


    Activities and Services for Users

    The activities of the Library and the services provided to users concern in particular

    • acquisition, cataloguing and preservation of volumes and collections, both on paper and electronically;
    • assistance and guidance in the search and retrieval of publications and technical-scientific information (consultation of biomedica! databases, document delivery, ILL lnterlibrary Loan);
    • promotion and training in the use of bibliographic resources, in the use of software and bibliometric tools, Bibliosan updates;
    • collaboration with other libraries far the exchange and development of cooperation networks.

    There is also a Centre for Scientific Documentation which provides services for

    • the evaluation and monitoring of the lnstitute's scientific production in the national and international panorama;
    • the identification and evaluation of targetjournals to support the strategie management of the dissemination of research results, through bibliometric parameters (e.g. lmpact Factor and H-index);
    • the processing and retrieval of information and documents on specific research interests


    Using Bibliosan, the network of libraries of the ltalian Biomedical Research lnstitutions, the lnstitute's staff can directly access biomedical and scientific publications. Through the interface, it is possible to query PubMed and link to the system for fulltext retrieval of scientific articles developed by Bibliosan. After performing a bibliographic search in PubMed and reaching the page with the data of the article of interest, a button "FINO FULL TEXT by BIBLIOSAN" appears. A click on this button allows you to retrieve the full text of the article of interest (when access rights allow it) or, alternatively, to send a photocopy request to your library through the "NILDE-BIBLIOSAN" button. In order to request copies of articles of interest, you must register with NILDE users at your library


    Opening hours and contacts

    Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

    Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm



  • Biostatistic & Data Management

    The Biostatistics and Data Management at IRCCS INRCA provides consultancy services on statistics and data management for research projects. The long standing and broad experience of the staff serves research in all stages of the development of projects.  



    • Planning of statistical methodology, sample size calculation and randomization; study design for protocols
    • Study design for protocols
    • Drafting and revising statistical methods, results, and interpretation sections in scientific manuscripts
    • Training in biostatistics and epidemiology

    Data Management: 

    • Support on the selection of appropriate and secure data management tools and methods
    • Use of open source software (e.g. REDCap) to meet special data analysis or study design needs
    • Design and development of databases
    • Questionnaire review and study implementation (e.g. eCRFs, subject definition, etc.)
    • Support in the creation of data management plans
    • Monitoring and validation of data; data cleaning; data entry or import; data export; periodical data reports

    Data analysis: 

    • Performing statistical analyses of clinical and biomedical databases
    • Assistance in statistical analyses

  • The Technology Transfer Office (ITO),established in 2017 under the Scientific Direction, carries  out  support  activities  for  the  protection, exploitation  and  transfer  of  the discoveries of IRCCS INRCA researchers and healthcare personnel to enterprises.
    The TTO encourages the  protection of know-how and intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and copyrights in order to encourage the creation and dissemination of innovative solutions that can tangibly improve the quality of life of the entire community. It represents an opportunity to attract economic resources useful to transfer innovation to health care creating value for the future of medical research

    PATENT hold by INRCA are:

    1. “Universal Devide for continuous Spinal Anesthesia” – Medical device conceived for the practice of sub-arachnoid spinal anesthesia: it aims to facilitate the  injecting phase in the epidural space, while maintaining the comfort of a normal sub-arachnoid. The kit thus created summarizes all the advantages of the other devices on the market without the disadvantages, in order to directly access the sub-arachnoid space.

    2. “Gel formulation for the oral administration of drugs in particular to dysphagic patients” – A gel formulation containing water-soluble active ingredients mainly available on the pharmaceutical market as oral solid dosage forms such as immediate-release tablets or capsules or powders or granules for oral use. The formulation object of the present invention satisfies the particular needs of patients who show anomalies in the swallowing process. The pathological condition related to swallowing problems is called dysphagia.



    Technology Transfer Process

  • The main activities carried out by the TTO are:
    LEARNING: information and training activities to  make researchers aware of the two paths  of knowledge enhancement (publication and protection of research results)
    IPR PROTECTION, MANAGEMENT AND EXPLOITATION: identification, classification and evaluation of research results
    PROMOTION: define and implement strategies for the exploitation of research results

  • The Grants Office proactively supports the IRCCS INRCA researchers for the design, management and reporting of research projects. Grant Office supports the drafting of the budget for the funds allocated  to  Research  and  manages  the institutional funds provided by the Ministry of Health in the field of Current Research. lt also acts in liaison with other sectors of the IRCCS INRCA Scientific Direction  and  other lnstitutes.
    The main goal is to assist scientists in preparing the  most competitive  proposal  and to previde support all along the project cyc:le phases, in compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding agencies


  • The activities offered by the Grants Office are:

    • to act as a liaison between the IRCCS INRCA on the one side and the funding agencies or sponsors/donors on the other side
    • to identify and effectively disseminate the most suitable funding opportunities far the IRCCS INRCA researchers
    • to provide comprehensive technic:al support in the preparation and submission of proposals and in grant acc:eptance
    • to assist with budget preparation and development of cast proposal for research funded projects
    • to fulfil administrative and reporting requirements of the funding agencies or sponsars/do nors far active grants
    • to manage budgets and contrai competitive and external funds in compliance with the applicable regulations and IRCCS INRCA policies
    • to promote and programme information/training seminars related to the main research funding programmes


  • The Clinical Trial Office (CTO) of the IRCCS INRCA aims to guide researchers, investigators, stakeholders and sponsors in performing clinical research under the highest professional standards
    The CTO coordinates the different aspects related to clinical research and clinical trials activities, providing support at each step of the conduction of the clinical trials, following the Good Clinical Practices
    The CTO works in compliance to applicable national laws, regulations, institutional policies and procedures, and protocols


    The CTO core activities include:
    • Evaluation of the trial design and methodological support for the submission steps
    • Protocol review and feasibility assessment
    • Preparation and submission of regulatory documentation
    • Collaboration with Institutional Ethical Committee 
    • Clinical trial coordination and data management
    • Monitoring and auditing activities
    • Pharmacovigilance for institutional clinical trials and investigations
    • Support to outcomes analysis and publications
    • Support to institutional research activities 
    • Medical education on clinical research 
    • Scouting activity for new clinical trials